See With God's Eyes


Have you ever found yourself judging someone solely based on their outward appearance? It's a common human tendency to make snap judgments based on how someone looks, talks, or carries themselves. We often forget that God's perspective is completely different from ours. As Christians, we are called to see with God's eyes, to look beyond the external and focus on the condition of the heart.

In the story of Samuel anointing David as the future king of Israel, we see a clear example of this truth. When Samuel arrived at Jesse's house, he saw Eliab, David's older brother, and thought, "Surely, the Lord's anointed is before Him." Eliab must have been impressive in appearance, a strong and tall figure. But God had other plans.

The Lord's response to Samuel's initial impression is profound: "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7 NKJV)

God wasn't concerned with Eliab's physical attributes; He saw what really mattered – the heart. He knew that David, the youngest son, was a man after His own heart. David's heart posture of humility, faith, and obedience made him the right choice, despite his youth and perceived insignificance.

This passage teaches us a valuable lesson about God's character and how we should approach others. Just as God saw David's heart, He looks at our hearts as well. He sees beyond the masks we wear and the facades we present to the world. God is interested in the state of our hearts, our motives, and our love for Him and others.

As Christians, we are called to imitate God in this aspect. We are called to see beyond the surface, to look deeper into the hearts of those around us. Our judgments should be guided by compassion, understanding, and the desire to see others through God's eyes.

When we encounter someone who seems different or less significant in the world's eyes, let us remember that God's perspective is different. He sees their potential, their struggles, and their capacity for growth. Instead of writing them off or judging them hastily, let us choose to extend grace, love, and acceptance, just as God does for us.

Today, let us make a conscious effort to see beyond appearances. Let us seek to understand others on a heart level and respond to them with love and compassion. May we strive to be like David, a person after God's own heart, and emulate His character in how we interact with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

God bless You.

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