How to know if you truly trust God

A lot of persons do outwardly confess that they trust in God, but in action, they prove that they don't truly trust in God, others on the outside think that their Trust in God is complete, but on the inside they're not truly sure.

What Must Be Done As Christians? 

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 (KJV)

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart,.... Not in a man's self, not in his own heart, which is deceitful; nor in any works of righteousness done by him; not in a profession of religion, or the duties of it, ever so well performed; not in frames, nor in graces, and the exercise of them; no, not in faith or trust itself: but in the Lord, the Father of all grace, and in him only.

Trust in him at all times; in times of affliction, temptation, and darkness: there is a great deal of reason for it; all power and strength are in him to help; his love, grace, and mercy, move him to it, and are always the same: the consideration of what he has done for others that have trusted in him, and for ourselves in times past, should induce and encourage us to trust in God; as also the happiness of those that trust in him, who enjoy peace and safety

Do not lean on your understanding because it stands opposed to trusting in the Lord. Men should not depend upon their own wisdom and understanding, in the conduct of civil life, but should seek the direction and blessing of Providence, or else the will meet with disappointment. and, whenever they succeed, they should ascribe it not to their own prudence and wisdom, but to the goodness of God; for "bread" is not always "to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding", Ecclesiastes 9:11; and much less should men lean to their own understanding in matters of religion; a natural man has no understanding of spiritual things, of the things of the Gospel, nor indeed any practical understanding of things moral, Romans 3:11, Jeremiah 4:22. The understanding of man is darkened by sin; yes, is darkness itself; it is like the first earth, covered with darkness, till light is let into it, and therefore not to be leaned unto and depended on, Ephesians 4:18.

Some Signs That Show That Your Trust In God isn't complete

Expressing doubt, worry, anxiety in any given area of life is a proof that you don't trust God in that area.

When You create a back up plan different from what God has prepared for You, that's a sign that your trust in God isn't complete

When You first make decisions by yourself before consulting God, It's a sign that your trust in God isn't complete

When You focus more on your Obstacle Than on God the provider of the miracle you need, it's also another sign that your trust in God is incomplete.

Dear brethren,

We must therefore trust in the Lord with all our hearts. we must believe that he is able to do what he will, wise to do what is best, and good, according to his promise, to do what is best for us, if we love him, and serve him. We must, with an entire submission and satisfaction, depend upon him to perform all things for us, and not lean to our own understanding.

God bless You

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