Before deciding on the songs to avoid, There are some things to consider. Such include,
1. Ask yourself What is the aim of the song? Every song has an aim and purpose, no artiste writes a song without a motive in mind, As a believer, You should try to figure out what the song aims at providing, The Holy Spirit of God inspires gospel artists to compose gospel music for the edification of the saints and to Glorify God. also satan and his demons inspire some persons to compose some demonic songs to negatively influence the mind of men, encourage sin and shake the faith of believers, thus glorifying satan. Such satanic songs should be avoided.
2. You need to ask yourself whether the song passes across a good message or not, Every song conveys a message. Some songs pass across negative messages that will make you feel that such bad messages are normal. Some songs glorify crime and refer to criminals as heroes. A believer should have nothing to do with such songs.
3. You need to observe what feeling the song stirs up in You each time you're listening to it, Believe it or not, most songs have got their accompanying mood attached to them. While there are songs that speak to your Spirit, these songs stir up your hunger for God, inspires You to pray, study, and do Godly deeds. There are also certain songs you listen to that make you want to pick up a gun and shoot at everyone, there are songs that stir up hatred, anger, lust, racism and other bad feelings in humans each time such songs are listened to, such songs speak to Your flesh and must be avoided
4. You need to ask yourself these questions,
* If I could see God physically, will I be bold to play this song before Him?
* Can I play this song before a little child?
Some songs contain some very vulgar words. These are words that shouldn't be spoken by Believers of Christ. Words that You won't dare utter before God and before a little child. Such songs should be avoided as believers,
God bless You.
christian living