7 Ways to Avoid Malice

We have a responsibility to live godly lives as Christians. Avoiding malice, which is the intent or desire to do evil, is one of the most important aspects of this life. Bitterness, envy, and hatred are just a few of the many manifestations of malice. It goes against what Christ taught and can be extremely harmful to both ourselves and other people. In this article, we'll look at seven strategies Christians can use to stay away from hatred.

You must practice forgiveness

Christianity is based on forgiveness. Jesus emphasized the importance of forgiving others just as God has forgiven us. We leave ourselves vulnerable to evil when we harbor resentments or refuse to extend forgiveness. We might begin to harbor unfavorable thoughts about other people, which might provoke ideas of retaliation or other harmful behaviors. On the other hand, forgiveness enables us to let go of these uncomfortable emotions and advance constructively.

Think about love.

Christianity is built on the concept of love. In addition to teaching us to love God with all of our hearts, souls, and minds, Jesus also taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves, as well as our enemies. We can stay away from ill will and any other negative feelings toward others by putting our attention on love. We are less likely to want to hurt people when we love them. Instead, we will work to improve them and provide assistance where we can.

Don't be arrogant.

Malice frequently has pride as its source. Envy, resentment, and bitterness can develop when we believe we are superior to others or that we should have more than we do. On the other hand, humility understands that we are all on an equal footing before God. We are less likely to harbor ill will toward others when we are humble because we see how equally valuable everyone is.


Christian prayer is a potent tool. Through prayer, we can enlist help in overcoming any unfavorable emotions we might harbor for other people. When we pray, we open ourselves up to God and ask Him to open our eyes to see others the way He does. We might ask for the ability to forgive or the willpower to withstand the urge to act on unfavorable emotions in our prayers. No matter what we ask for, we can be sure that God will answer us and provide for us.

Consult the Bible.

There are numerous instructions in the Bible for leading a moral life. We can learn how to avoid hatred and live a life that pleases God by reading the Bible frequently. James 3:14–16, for instance, says: "But do not boast and be false to the truth, if you have a burning jealousy and a self-seeking ambition in your hearts. This wisdom is demonic, earthly, and unspiritual; it does not originate in heaven. Since disorder and all vile practices will exist where there is jealousy and self-serving ambition. The dangers of malice can be identified and avoided in our own lives by reflecting on passages like this.

Include Positive People in Your Environment.

The people we spend time with have a big impact on how we act. Spending a lot of time around pessimistic, malicious, or critical people can cause us to develop similar attitudes. Conversely, we are more likely to adopt their attitudes of generosity, compassion, and love if we surround ourselves with upbeat, inspiring individuals. We can avoid hatred and develop a more optimistic outlook on life by carefully selecting our friends.

Exercise self-control.

Christian virtues must include self-control. We can stay away from malice and lead lives that follow the teachings of Christ by exercising self-control and restraining the urge to act on unfavorable emotions.

I hope these few tips of mine will go a long way to help you avoid malice as a Christian, God bless you. 

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