How to defeat the Giants in your life

Everyone, including myself, all face giants at one time or another in our lives. By giants i mean problems, issues, challenges that never wants to leave our lives, we try to kill these giants but often they seem to grow bigger with the passing of time.

Study Text: 1 Samuel 17:12 - 54

These Giants could be some kind of personal sin that we always fall into time after time, It could be gaints of fear, Sin of lust, envy, pride e.t.c

One's giant could also be a kind of negative addiction that has taken control of your life.

From the study text, we discover that Goliath though he was a giant, He wasn't always tall from birth. he was once a baby and as time went by, He grew into a child, then the child became a teenager, the teenager later grew into a gigantic man. 

Just like that, giants begin small, whatever Giants we are facing today once started small and as time went by, they grew into this large size because of how they were ignored, encouraged, allowed, underestimated and now they're seeming impossible to be conquered.


1. Take The Fight To The Enemy

At times you must take the fight to the enemy, you don't wait for your giants to return before confronting them, confront them unawares ( 1 Samuel 17: 34-35 )
David went after the lion and the bear 

2. Don't Retreat from Your challenges

( 1 Samuel 17:24 )
When you ignore a problem, such problem will never go away, it will keep growing till it becomes too overwhelming for you. 
When you run away from the devil, you become his slave. A playing ground for his demons and a lab rat for his demonic experiments

3. Face Your Giant With God's Strength

( 1 Samuel 17:47 )
Gaints keep defeating us time after time because we face them with our own strength.
We need to face them in the name of God, You can't break your addict by your own strength. Call upon God in prayers

4. Don't Let "What People May Say" Stop You

( 1 Samuel 17:28 - 30 )
Don't be scared to fight your battles because of the fear of what people may say. You may have tried facing the giants in their presence many times in the past but failed to accomplish your mission, That shouldn't stop you from fighting now. They may laugh at you, It is fine.. Keep fighting.

(Face that secret personal sin of yours, because no one else will take your place on judgement day. You alone will be accountable for your deeds.)


I preached this sermon in church during the day time.
At the dead hours of the night, I was confronted by demons for preaching this sermon, they were so angry with me, that night I faced the biggest giant that I've ever battied in the realm of the spirit. God gave me victory over the giant and i just kept laughing after that encounter

I'll share my personal experience and encounters in the " My life in Christ" category on the side bar.

God bless you. Thanks for reading.. 

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