But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:” Matthew 6:3 (KJV)
The Word of God instructs us to be givers,
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. – Luke 6:38
We all should learn from God's example of Giving. God is the father of givers, He gave His only begotten son to save mankind (John 3:16), Even While we were lost in sin, ungrateful, and unappreciative.
It's not just enough to give; the manner in which you give matters a lot. Giving with the wrong motives in mind is vanity.
Some Persons give just to later ask for a bigger favour from whom they're giving to.
Some give to show off and exalt themselves before men,
Some give to withhold God's glory to themselves, expecting songs of praise and exaltation from men
Some give in an intimidating way to remind the person being helped that they(the giver) are better than them.
Some persons give because of social media, Take away the camera and they won't give,
All the above are wrong motives in giving. God wants us all to be givers However, He wants us to give alms in secret so that He can reward us openly
( Matthew 6:4)
Have this mindset with you always; each time you're doing a charitable deed, You're not the one helping anyone but God is the one helping others through You. Tell Yourself, "I'm just an instrument of giving, God is the one behind this deed and not me".
"Don't offer help to someone in distress and go about telling everyone else how you assisted the distressed person "
The aim of our charitable deeds should be to meet the needs of the poor and vulnerable, not for the praises of men, which has no divine reward. Let us apply God's principle of secretly giving alms as a sign of humility. Let us have the right motive in giving and we will not be affected if we're not appreciated or rewarded by men.
God bless You.
christian living