Our foundation refers to the family background and generations of our fathers and our mothers. Many of us come from foundations that have been involved in evil practices which resulted in evil covenants that affect the generations after them. A covenant is an agreement of mutual understanding between two or more parties with each binding himself with an oath to fulfill specific obligations. A covenant could be between a man and another man/woman as in the case of David and Jonathan (I Sam. 18: 1-4) or the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman (Malachi 2: 14-16). A covenant could also be between a man and God as it was in the case of Abram and God (Gen. 17: 1-7) and between God and every living creature (Gen. 9: 8-17)
There are basically two types of covenant: physical covenant and spiritual covenant. The spiritual covenant comprises of Godly and Evil covenant. Godly covenant is a divine covenant you enter with God, which makes God’s spirit to be operational in your life. Evil covenant is the covenant entered unknowingly with the devil that has a repercussion to destroy one’s life. Automatically, demons are released to ensure you keep to the terms of the covenant. If you break the terms of the covenant, the demons will unleash the penalty of breaking it on you. An evil covenant could be between a man and a demon-possessed man/woman or between a man and an idol or god/goddess.
Something that is very essential to note is that a person can ignorantly enter into evil covenant with far-reaching consequences which he did not bargain for. This may happen through membership of an occultic Church (Acts 8: 9-11); eating food given by a possessed girl/boy; attending demonic festivals or celebrations; Use of demonically polluted fashion accessories; sex with a possessed lady/Man; reading of occultic books; reciting of demonic incantation can also lead a person into evil covenant ; addiction to demonic music can also lead a person into hidden evil covenants etc. Christians need to be watchful of the kind of friends they have, what they eat, where to go and what they do so that they do not unknowingly enter into an evil covenant
Facts You Should Know..
A covenant is meant to affect a person and his generation. (Gen. 6: 17-18; 9: 8-9; 17: 7; 22: 15-18). The sin of Nebat also passed on to his generations. (I Kg. 12: 26-30)
Every covenant has it's terms of agreement. violation of the terms will always lead to sanctions. (Gen. 17: 14; II Sam. 21: 1-3; Joshua 9: 14-18)
There is always an oath which is willingly taken by each party. (Gen. 31: 48-50; Joshua 9: 15)
Everyone born into the lineage/generation is expected to keep the covenant. (Gen. 17: 9; II Sam. 21: 1-3; Joshua 9: 15-16, 18)
The deity you enter an evil covenant with, whether consciously or unconsciously, becomes your god.
The promised blessings to a covenant are given when one fulfills his part of a covenant. (Gen. 17: 8).
Christians that are living in sins cannot receive God’s promised blessings. (Jer. 17: 5-6; 18: 9-10).
Evil covenant with idol only yield negative results.
Deliverance From Evil Covenants
Prov. 25: 2; Deut. 29: 29; Gal 3: 13-14; Col. 2: 14-15; Deut. 23: 14
It is worthy to note that just like curses; evil covenants are enforced by demon spirits. Since spirits don’t die, evil covenants of our fore-fathers remain operational unless they are broken through prayers. Evil covenants are not automatically broken just because we have seized to worship the idols of our fore-fathers. The sins of our fore-fathers must be consciously confessed, renounced and denounced and then, we must prayerfully break all of the evil covenants from our lives.
Prayers in Jesus' name
Every ancestral evil covenant working against my life, be broken by the precious blood of Jesus.
Every hidden evil covenant operating in my life, I renounce you, I reject you and I command you to break now in Jesus name.
Every Covenant from my past relationship(s) be broken in the name of Jesus
Every Covenant of marital failure, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
Every trans-generational covenant operating in my life, be terminated in Jesus' name.
Every evil covenant I ignorantly entered into, be broken in the name of Jesus
Covenant between me and any idol and evil spirit break in Jesus name.
Covenant between me and spirit wife/husband be broken in Jesus name.
Any evil covenant from my land of nativity affecting my life, break by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.
Evil covenant in the foundation of the house where am living right now or I have ever lived, affecting my progress and life, be broken in Jesus name.
Any power backing up evil covenants in my life, be subdued in Jesus name.
Every hidden and unknown covenant troubling my destiny, in the name of Jesus I break you now
Every demonic covenant enforcer assigned to trouble my destiny, be consumed in the name of Jesus.
Unbroken curses troubling my family, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
Covenant of infirmity, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
Any covenant with dead relatives, break, in the name of Jesus.
Any Covenant of stagnation, be broken in the name of Jesus.
Any covenant with family idols, be broken in the name of Jesus.
Evil blood covenants, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
Every demonic convenated law battling against my elevation, break, in the name of Jesus.
The legal position of the enemy positioning me for attacks, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
Every covenant of limitation, break, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of unconsciously entering into covenants being fired against me, go back to your sender in Jesus' name
Evil dedications working against my life, expire, in the name of Jesus.
Demonic devices of the wicked troubling my life, fail, in the name of Jesus.
Every Covenant of affliction, be broken in the name of Jesus.
Any covenant with poverty, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
Covenant causing repeated problems, be broken in the name of Jesus
Every Covenant making me move around in circles back to where i started from, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
Evil Covenants with familiar spirits, break, in the name of Jesus.
Every Evil ancestral Covenant working against my life, be broken in the name of Jesus
Every Covenant waiting for it's appointed date to function in my life, be consumed in the name of Jesus.
Thank God for Answering Your Prayers
Strategic Prayers